join our diverse, young, dynamic team of professional legal advisors today!

We care about our staff.

This simple statement is what drives us to make sure that we are, and remain, the employer of choice for our staff. Why do we care? Because to be the best you must employ the best.

At De Beer & Claassen, we value a robust work ethic, merit, initiative and loyalty to the firm and our colleagues. In return, we make sure that our staff work in the best conditions, are remunerated well, are recognised for their performance, and have opportunities to develop.

We have a flat management structure with an open approach to sharing information, asking advice or generally helping colleagues. For us, it’s about working as a team and making sure our clients are happy and receive the best service.

Together we will help make you great!
We care about our staff.

This simple statement is what drives us to make sure that we are, and remain, the employer of choice for our staff. Why do we care? Because to be the best you must employ the best.

At De Beer & Claassen, we value a robust work ethic, merit, initiative and loyalty to the firm and our colleagues. In return, we make sure that our staff work in the best conditions, are remunerated well, are recognised for their performance, and have opportunities to develop.

We have a flat management structure with an open approach to sharing information, asking advice or generally helping colleagues. For us, it’s about working as a team and making sure our clients are happy and receive the best service.

Together we will help make you great!

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Staff Testimonials

DBC Group is a great place to work, they create opportunities for their employees to improve their skills. They have faith in their employees and assist their employees with learning programs and continuous development programmes.

Zelda Smit - Secretary,

De Beer & Claassen is nie net ’n firma nie, ons is EEN SPAN wat saam werk om mense te help met liefde, vriendelikheid en kennis.

Mamotete Morabe - Filing Clerk,

I have been employed at De Beer & Claassen for the past 4 years. Not only have I received superb mentoring in my day to day administrative career, but I have also been granted the opportunity to further my studies and education whilst working at the DBC Group.

Christie Strauss - Litigation Secretary,

The initiatives of the DBC Group makes me excited to be a part thereof. De Beer & Claassen has developed to be much more than just an attorney firm, expanding their business as well as giving back to the community.

Eduan Human- Associate,

At DBC Group, you are not just an employee, you are part of a family that cares! DBC creates innovative opportunities for all their candidate attorneys to become a successful attorney.

Ronel Keuldner - Candidate Attorney,

Working at the DBC Group is a dream come true! I had high expectations of the Firm to start with and they have exceeded that in every way.

Jacques Nel - Candidate Attorney,

De Beer and Claassen Attorneys provides excellent legal services to all clientele, making it the “go to” firm in the Vaal Triangle. As a candidate attorney, my mentors ensure that I obtain extensive experience in virtually all aspects of law. I chose to complete my candidate attorney program at De Beer and Claassen for this very reason.

Johan Reineke - Candidate Attorney,

Ek het in 2004 by De Beer & Claassen begin werk as liasseerklerk, en mettertyd aktes begin doen. Ek was vir byna 4 jaar hier werksaam en toe kry ek ’n ander geleentheid. Na amper 10 jaar vind ek myself weer terug waar ek begin het! Hier is baie nuwe personeel, nuwe kantore, ’n nuwe gesig vir De Beer & Claassen, maar die hart van die plek is nog steeds dieselfde. Dit is ’n plek waar jy jouself kan wees en vir mekaar kan omgee. Dit is ’n plek waar hard gewerk word, maar ook hard gelag word.

Leandra Ferreira - Conveyance Sectretary,

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